About Me


In Short

I am a researcher (i hold a Ph.d., MA and BA) specialized in representation across axes of oppression in Danish film. I work with creatives and businesses in media, tech, and a range of other industries to critically engage and change the discriminatory and unfair structures that impact their organization, products, and teams.

I am a consultant by training, a media & representation-expert by education, and an activist at heart. I merge the three in my practice for a critical approach to inequality everywhere.


My Background & Philosophy

In the past years I have centered my activism on the Danish student organization FRONT, which fights discrimination in Danish education.

I believe that my research, activism, and work benefit from one another. I am driven by a desire for representational justice, and I carry this desire with me into all aspects of my life.

I am Indian-Danish-US-American, based in Copenhagen and New York.


My Methods

I believe learning and changing can be fun and entertaining. I always structure my workshops, teaching, and reports around concrete examples from my clients, enabling them to critically examine and learn from their key challenges.